I’ve been regularly checking out the PEM Database Online for several years now. It is a good example of a hyper-focused content aggregation site. What do I mean by content aggregation? Well, in general on a website you either create content, share content that other people have produced – or both. The PEMBlog is an example of the latter. I post original content, but also on occasion share other sites and articles that I think are worth checking out.


PEM Database

What is the purpose of this site?

This site updates on a weekly basis and provides links to various articles of interest in Pediatric Emergency Medicine.

What does this site do well?

It provides a list of multiple articles that may be of interest to anyone interested in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. The topics tend to cover a wide variety of topics and journals. The site has also recently been updated with responsive design – that is it won’t look all wonky when you open it on your mobile phone or tablet. It also provides links to different journals of interest.

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What could this site do better?

All of the links are to PubMed – so unless you have an institutional login you may not be able to get to all of the full text articles. There is also no synopsis, categorization nor review of any of the materials. This site is purely in the service of content aggregation. Ideally you’d have a site that provides both articles as well as a synopsis of them. This is time intensive however.

Should you visit it?

If you are looking for new articles in PEM to get a broad view of what’s going on in research currently then absolutely. I use it to keep a finger on the pulse of what’s being published and have found it a helpful resource. Again check it out at PEMdatabase.org.