Fracture Fridays: Nailed it!
The Case A kid got his finger caught in a car door. It hurt. The nail is now "all cracked and mangled." Mom is worried that he'll never be a hand model. On exam you see the following: I can see why this freaked [...]
The Case A kid got his finger caught in a car door. It hurt. The nail is now "all cracked and mangled." Mom is worried that he'll never be a hand model. On exam you see the following: I can see why this freaked [...]
The Case A 21 month old male is refusing to walk after hurling himself down a playground slide. Mom tries to stand him up, and he crumples like a bean bag. He has some mild shin pain, but otherwise his exam is normal. You know the drill [...]
The Case A 16 year old pitcher presents to the ED complaining of right elbow pain. There is no history of direct trauma, and it has been "hurting more and more over the past few weeks." He is here because he was told by his [...]
The Case An 80 pound 12 year old soccer star tripped in a hole while challenging for the ball. Another player on the pitch stumbled in the same (big) hole and landed awkwardly on the first player's leg. Even the fans on the next field [...]
Keeping it short and simple this week folks. Here is a presentation on back pain in the pediatric ED. Just scroll vertically through the slides. You can even download it if you want. Spoiler alert! I will actually be giving this talk live tomorrow at [...]
The Case A very "acrobatic" 13 year old male was jumping on a trampoline at his buddy's house. In an attempt to do a flip he landed on his back, then bounced off of the trampoline landing awkwardly on his left arm. His friend screamed an expletive [...]
The case A self-proclaimed dance team superstar presents after injuring her foot at a regional competition. She tried to finish the routine after landing awkwardly. But was having difficulty bearing weight. She applied ice overnight and despite ibuprofen is still in pain, and presents to the ED [...]
The case A 16 year old self-proclaimed track star was running the 400 meter sprint when he felt a pop at the bottom of his left buttock. He stopped running. He became mad. his mom became worried. He became your patient. This has never happened [...]
The case A 15 year old skateboarder totally screws up a rail grind. After posting his wipeout to YouTube his friends call his mom, who notices that he has been unable to walk on his ankle - probably because of how ridiculously swollen it is. [...]
Welcome to a new PEMBlog feature - Fracture Fridays. Each week I'll post a new case of a common pediatric orthopedic injury. So, without further ado, here we go. The case A preschooler was riding his big sister's "girl" bike, crashed it and landed on [...]