PEMPix is the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine’s annual visual diagnosis competition. This year, in addition to the 10 finalists Maneesha Agarwal will be presenting at the National Conference and Exhibition we will be sharing four cases online in advance of the conference. This is the last of the four cases.
This case was submitted by
Dr. Inbar Plaut
PEM Fellow at UMASS Chan Medical School | UMASS Memorial Children’s Medical Center
IG handle(s): @inbar.y, @umasspem
Co-author: Zachary Binder
The Case
A 2-month-old male presents with 2-days of reluctance to move the right lower extremity. The mother describes the upper leg as feeling swollen and tense, and the patient cries when the area is touched. She denies any associated redness, warmth, or bruising to the area as well as any trauma or falls. He has otherwise been afebrile and acting at his baseline with normal oral intake and urine output. No recent illnesses or any other symptoms.
He does have a history of prematurity, born via vaginal delivery at 34 weeks due to maternal pre-eclampsia. He required external cephalic version for breech presentation. He spent 2 weeks in the NICU for respiratory distress but was discharged home after 2 weeks on room air and oral feeds. He has been doing well since discharge.
On exam, the child has normal vital signs and is generally well appearing. His right lower extremity is the only major abnormality. He is holding the hip in flexion with minimal movement of the right lower extremity. He has tenderness to palpation of the right thigh with minimal edema, but there is no overlying redness, warmth, or bruising. He has full passive range of motion of the right hip. The remainder of the right lower extremity is nontender to palpation and without abnormality. Additionally, he has full range of motion of the right knee and ankle.
- Calcium 10.6 [Reference Range 8.7-10.7 mg/dL]
- Phosphorus 6.7 [Reference Range 3.2-6.2 mg/dL]
- Alk Phos 663 [Reference Range 150-350 U/L
- AST: 34 [ Reference Range 30-80 U/L]
- ALT: 29 [Reference Range 5-50 U/L]
- Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy: 24 [Reference Range: 30-100 ng/mL]
- PTH 26 [Reference Range 8-70 pg/mL]
Femur X-Rays are pictured below: