Here’s a follow up to my earlier post on QR codes.
What if there was a way to gain useful feedback on urine samples without going to the doctor’s office? Pixie Scientific is developing diapers with embedded urinalysis strips that link to an iPhone app. In a recent article on Gizmodo developers stated that “each smart diaper has a QR code on the rear, surrounded an array of urine test strips which draw their samples from the diaper’s absorbent area. Every time baby relieves herself, the test strips will trigger, and modify the matrix of color around the QR code. Then, by scanning each used diaper in with the accompanying iPhone app which reads the test strip color along with the QR code, you can keep track of what’s going on
I do think that this is a pretty cool idea in theory. The fact that the samples aren’t sterile is my biggest immediate concern, but still – look at the cool things that we are coming up with these days!