…Be sure to say hello! I will not be wearing flowers in my hair, but I will be in attendance at the Section on Emergency Medicine sessions from Friday 10/21 until Sunday 10/23. I’ll be live tweeting many of the sessions – and posting regularly on the blog. Follow me on Twitter @PEMTweets and look for me at the conference – I’ll be the guy with the computer, iPad and iPhone open at the same time in all likelihood.

On day one of the conference (Friday 10/21) also look for my latest podcast, an interview with Ben Kerrey. We recently sat down and talked about his work in improving RSI in children.


Also, be sure to attend PEMPix on Saturday the 22nd, hosted by Todd Chang from Los Angeles. It is a fast-paced, highly interactive visual diagnosis quiz show. It is always one of the highlights of AAP.
