
Toxicology Season 1 Episode 2: Decontamination and Elimination

This is episode 2 of season one of the Toxicology series that Suzan Mazor, the Medical Director for Toxicology at Seattle Children’s, and I are putting together. This follow up episode focuses on a decontamination and elimination in the poisoned pediatric patient and offers many pearls that will serve as a foundation for upcoming episodes – including why Ipecac is no longer prescribed to every 4 month old!

I am now proud to offer CME through Cincinnati Children’s. To claim CME & ABP MOC Part 2, visit Cincinnati Children’s Online Courses and search ‘PEM Currents’.

Follow me on Twitter @PEMTweets

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Toce, Burns. The Poisoned Pediatric Patient. Pediatrics in Review May 2017, 38 (5) 207-220; DOI: 10.1542/pir.2016-0130

Calello, Henretig. Pediatric Toxicology: Specialized Approach to the Poisoned Child. Emerg Med Clin N Am 32 (2014) 29–52

Barrueto et al. Updates in the General Approach to the Pediatric Poisoned Patient. Pediatric Clinics. VOLUME 60, ISSUE 5, P1203-1220, OCTOBER 01, 2013. DOI:


Toxicology Season 1 Episode 1: General approach to the poisoned patient

This is episode 1 of season one of the Toxicology series that Suzan Mazor, the Medical Director for Toxicology at Seattle Children’s, and I are putting together. This premiere episode focuses on a solid general approach to the poisoned pediatric patient and offers many pearls that will serve as a foundation for upcoming episodes.

I am now proud to offer CME through Cincinnati Children’s. To claim CME & ABP MOC Part 2, visit Cincinnati Children’s Online Courses and search ‘PEM Currents’.

Follow me on Twitter @PEMTweets

Check out the Facebook page


Osterhoudt KC, Burns Ewald M, Shannon M, Henretig FM. Toxicologic emergencies. In: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 5th ed, Fleisher GR, Ludwig S, Henretig FM (Eds), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000. p.951.

Toce et al. The poisoned pediatric patient. Pediatrics in Review May 2017, 38 (5) 207-220; DOI: