Rash Week! An atypical antibiotic reaction
Name That Rash! you have a few different names for this common rash that appears in conjunction with antibiotics.
Name That Rash! you have a few different names for this common rash that appears in conjunction with antibiotics.
Name That Rash! Swollen breast tissue in a newborn.
Name That Rash! Painful plantar nodules after spending time in a hot tub?
Name That Rash! It's a common rash that looks different when seen in teenagers.
Welcome to Rash Week! See if you can Name (dramatic pause) That (also another dramatic pause) Rash!
What is the diagnosis in this young man who developed an itchy rash in a Christmas Tree pattern on his torso?
PEMPix is the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine’s annual visual diagnosis competition. This year, in addition to the 10 finalists Maneesha Agarwal will be presenting at the National Conference and Exhibition we will be sharing four cases online in advance of the conference. This is the third of the four cases.
PEMPix is the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine’s annual visual diagnosis competition. This year, in addition to the 10 finalists Maneesha Agarwal will be presenting at the National Conference and Exhibition we will be sharing four cases online in advance of the conference. This is the second of the four cases.
Dude - It's ringworm! So common, yet easily missed. Do yourself a favor and read this post, then look at a bunch of images so you can nail the diagnosis the net time you see it.
PEMPix is the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine’s annual visual diagnosis competition. This year, in addition to the 10 finalists I will be presenting at the National Conference and Exhibition I will be sharing four cases online in advance of the conference. This is the first of the four cases. See if you can conquer all four "mountains" and guess the correct diagnosis.