Announcing the Fracture Season of my podcast PEM Currents

By |2019-08-14T10:46:20-04:00August 14th, 2019|PEMBlog Updates, Podcasts|

Starting this Friday, August 16th, 2019, I will be releasing a new fracture focused episode of my podcast, PEM Currents, the Pediatric Emergency Medicine podcast every Friday for the next seven weeks. I have been working on the scripts and production of these episodes for quite some time, and I hope you enjoy them and learn something.

Little Patients, Big Medicine, Great Podcast

By |2019-03-09T11:01:37-05:00March 10th, 2019|Podcasts|

Jason Woods is a rising star in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. He hails from Denver Childrens in Colorado and is the host of a great new podcast Little Patients, Big Medicine. This podcast is definitely worth a subscribe if you care for children in the Emergency Department and should be added to your regular medical playlist.

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