A podcast on concussions and closed head injuries

Concussions and closed head injuries are incredibly common in the Pediatric Emergency Department and in general Emergency Department, especially as we head into fall contact sports season. In this episode, featuring Brielle Stanton, MD, a Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellow from The UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, you will learn how to differentiate clinically important traumatic brain injuries from milder trauma - specifically when to get a CT, and how to diagnose and manage concussions.

By |2021-09-01T15:04:13-04:00September 1st, 2021|Trauma|

Timely summer bronchiolitis resources… really

OK, so the cat's out of the bag. Bronchiolitis, RSV specifically, as well as the delta variant of COVID-19 are running wild in the Northern Hemisphere. any of you have seen precious few cases of bronchiolitis this far in your careers due to the paucity of cases last winter. Therefore this post is designed to share three key resources I've published recently that discuss bronchiolitis from a a clinician focused perspective.

By |2021-08-10T18:39:46-04:00August 10th, 2021|Infectious Diseases|

An episode of my podcast dedicated to the dislocated finger

It is much more common for children to break a finger than dislocate one. Why? Those darn growth plates. Nevertheless reducing a dislocated digit is one of the most common emergency procedures around and can generally be performed without much difficulty. However there are some situations where you shouldn’t just yank in the digit. Learn about these situations and more in this episode.

By |2021-06-25T14:03:41-04:00July 15th, 2021|Orthopedics, Podcasts, Procedures|

A podcast episode on the nursemaid’s elbow

Never has there been a more anachronistic name for such a common malady. Hailing from the time when the wealthy had female domestic workers who cared for children within their large household, this outmoded eponym describes a common orthopedic condition that impacts young children. I’ll cast my vote for calling it “pulled elbow” like they do in Australia - because it describes when happens when the radial head subluxes from its usual position nestled in the annular ligament. This episode discusses the diagnosis and management of this can’t miss condition, that I suspect our residents and students aren’t seeing as much as they should.

By |2021-06-25T13:54:57-04:00June 30th, 2021|Orthopedics, Podcasts, Procedures|
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