Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the Emergency Department: A podcast and blog post

This post endeavors to answer some key questions that we face in the Emergency Department when it comes to caring for adolescents with sexual and reproductive health concerns. It was inspired by a recent publication from the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) Adolescent Sexual Health Working Group.

A podcast episode on high-powered magnet ingestions

This episode of PEM Currents: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast focuses on high-powered magnet ingestions in children and was a collaboration with Elizabeth Curtis - @egcurtismd and Libby Ireson - @LibbyIreson, two Categorical Pediatrics Residents at Cincinnati Children's who served as producers and guest hosts. This episode is equal parts clinical advice and advocacy in action and will help you discuss these potentially dangerous magnets with families and manage a child in case they swallow one.

By |2021-05-19T08:56:36-04:00May 19th, 2021|Advocacy, Gastroenterology, Podcasts, Surgery|

A podcast on drowning and submersion injuries

With the warm weather upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere it will soon be time for the pools to open. This episode is therefore incredibly timely, and focuses on the spectrum of submersion injuries and their management. Learn about drowning physiology, when to admit to the hospital, and how to assess the child who went under water unexpectedly but looks fine from this episode's special co-host and producer, Joe Finney, MD a PGY-5 Pediatric Emergency Medicine and EMS fellow from Washington University in Saint Louis, MO.

Happy 14th Anniversary to my amazing wife!

This is the annual posting of my anniversary video - the only non-medical post of the year. Yet again my lack of preparation and organization has thwarted my well-intentioned efforts to get to Hallmark and buy an anniversary card for my wife. When will I learn? I keep having to fall back on these videos. I know that it's getting old by now... Anyway, sorry Kerri. Happy Anniversary. I hope this will suffice. There are some really great cards with haikus and pictures of flowers and birds on them that I had read about on the Hallmark message boards.

By |2021-04-27T11:25:16-04:00April 28th, 2021|PEMBlog Updates|
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