Submissions for the 2020 PEMPix competition are now open!

You can now submit your case for the 2020 PEMPix competition and presentation which is scheduled to be held on Saturday, October 3, 2020 at the AAP National Conference and Exhibition in San Diego, California. Everything you need to submit, including a convenient, secure online form is found at Cases can include photographs, radiographic images, videos and more! I have also posted video versions of recent PEMPix presentations on the site as well. The deadline is Sunday June 14th, 2020.

By |2020-05-11T13:30:33-04:00May 11th, 2020|PEMPix|

A vasopressor focused podcast interview with a PICU attending

Vasopressor use in the Pediatric Emergency Department has been a moving target for my entire career. Back when I was a resident and fellow we used Dopamine. Then we went to epinephrine because it can be given through a peripheral IV because norepinephrine was too dangerous to run peripherally. But maybe that's not entirely true. I talked about initial pressor choice and more in a recent recorded Zoom conference call with Critical Care Attending Matt Zackoff from Cincinnati Children's. I hope you find his thoughts on vasopressor selection, pitfalls, and the emerging therapies as illuminating as I did.

By |2020-05-05T15:20:57-04:00May 6th, 2020|Podcasts, Resuscitation|

A podcast on stroke in adults

I have partnered with POPCoRN, the Pediatric Overflow Planning Contingency Response Network to deliver content that will benefit those of us who may have been asked to care for adults both in their native habitat, and in our pediatric facilities. Marie Pfarr, a Hospital Medicine physician from Cincinnati Children's delivers some timely content on stroke in adults in this brief, focused episode.

By |2020-04-21T09:45:27-04:00April 21st, 2020|Coronavirus, Neurology, Podcasts|
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