Your time is valuable and so is mine. That’s why I’m sharing brief, focused podcast episodes that will hone in on a single problem. This time, it’s cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (aka Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome). Learn about the presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of this surprisingly common malady.


In this episode of PEM Currents: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast, we explore pertussis, also known as whooping cough – a disease that remains a public health challenge despite widespread vaccination efforts. We will review the clinical presentation, diagnostic strategies, management protocols, infection control practices, and vaccination updates. This episode also covers what healthcare providers need […]
  1. Pertussis
  2. Gastroesophegeal Reflux and Gastritis
  3. ECPR
  4. Syphilis
  5. Cervical Spine Injuries

Subscribe to PEM Currents: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast


McConachie SM, Caputo RA, Wilhelm SM, Kale-Pradhan PB. Efficacy of Capsaicin for the Treatment of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Ann Pharmacother. 2019 May 18:1060028019852601. PMID: 31104487

Witsil JC, Mycyk MB. Haloperidol, a Novel Treatment for Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. Am J Ther. 2017 Jan/Feb;24(1):e64-e67. PMID: 25393073.

Galli JA, Sawaya RA, Friedenberg FK. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Curr Drug Abuse Rev. 2011;4(4):241-249. doi:10.2174/1874473711104040241