This episode of PEM Currents: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast is a brief review of the management of urinary retention in children. The most common causes are UTI and constipation – but you must be aware of neurological problems and assure that you history is thorough and your physical exam complete. You can listen right here via the streaming audio file – or subscribe on your device via your favorite podcast service.


In this episode of PEM Currents: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast, we explore pertussis, also known as whooping cough – a disease that remains a public health challenge despite widespread vaccination efforts. We will review the clinical presentation, diagnostic strategies, management protocols, infection control practices, and vaccination updates. This episode also covers what healthcare providers need […]
  1. Pertussis
  2. Gastroesophegeal Reflux and Gastritis
  3. ECPR
  4. Syphilis
  5. Cervical Spine Injuries



Burla MJ, Benjamin J. Pediatric Urinary Retention in the Emergency Department: A Concerning Symptom with Etiology Outside the Bladder. J Emerg Med. 2016 Feb;50(2):e53-6. PMID: 26482829.

Peter JR, Steinhardt GF. Acute urinary retention in children. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1993 Aug;9(4):205-7. PMID: 8367356.

Gatti JM, Perez-Brayfield M, Kirsch AJ, Smith EA, Massad HC, Broecker BH. Acute urinary retention in children. J Urol. 2001 Mar;165(3):918-21. PMID: 11176514.