Timely summer bronchiolitis resources… really

By |2021-08-10T18:39:46-04:00August 10th, 2021|Infectious Diseases|

OK, so the cat's out of the bag. Bronchiolitis, RSV specifically, as well as the delta variant of COVID-19 are running wild in the Northern Hemisphere. any of you have seen precious few cases of bronchiolitis this far in your careers due to the paucity of cases last winter. Therefore this post is designed to share three key resources I've published recently that discuss bronchiolitis from a a clinician focused perspective.

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the Emergency Department: A podcast and blog post

By |2021-05-17T16:15:45-04:00June 2nd, 2021|Adolescent Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Prevention|

This post endeavors to answer some key questions that we face in the Emergency Department when it comes to caring for adolescents with sexual and reproductive health concerns. It was inspired by a recent publication from the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) Adolescent Sexual Health Working Group.

A podcast episode on return to sports guidelines after a COVID-19 diagnosis

By |2021-02-04T10:31:44-05:00February 4th, 2021|Cardiology, Coronavirus, Podcasts|

Even though we won't be "clearing" patients in the ED we still need to be familiar with return to sports recommendations for children and adolescents who have had COVID-19. Remember, these are just recommendations and are based off of practice patterns at many centers and on the AAP guideline. Consult with your local hospital and Cardiology groups for up to date information. The information in this episode is intended for any young person (21 and under) who tests positive for COVID-19 and wants to return to sports. It is structured based on the severity of initial presenting symptoms.

Return to sports following a COVID-19 diagnosis for children and adolescents

By |2020-12-23T09:45:49-05:00December 28th, 2020|Coronavirus, Infectious Diseases|

One could argue whether or not children should actually be playing sports in the first place during a COVID surge - if they are parents will inevitably ask about return to sports for positive diagnoses. Learn more about a staged, severity based schema to return children to sports following a positive COVID-1 test.

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