A bronchiolitis podcast resource you can share with patients and families

Here is a podcast episode that I recorded for Cincinnati Children's show "Young & Healthy" entitled "Parents, We Need Your Attention: Babies and Kids are Sick, Children’s Hospitals are Full, Wait Times are Long." It addresses why our EDs, Urgent Cares, and Hospitals are so busy, and offers caregiver focused advice on Bronchiolitis management.

By |2022-11-11T15:00:21-05:00November 11th, 2022|Infectious Diseases, PEMBlog Updates, Podcasts|

You read the post, now listen to the podcast on periorbital cellulitis

Perioribital cellulitis (AKA Preseptal cellulitis)is a soft tissue infection of the eyelids and skin anterior to the orbit. It must be differentiated from the more invasive and dangerous orbital cellulitis. Treatment varies depending on the original source (sinusitis, local trauma, stye etc,.). Learn all about periorbital cellulitis in this brief episode of PEM Currents: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast.

By |2022-10-26T22:16:16-04:00October 27th, 2022|Briefs, Infectious Diseases, Ophthalmology, Podcasts|

PEMPix 2022 Online Case 04: Space Mountain

PEMPix is the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine’s annual visual diagnosis competition. This year, in addition to the 10 finalists I will be presenting at the National Conference and Exhibition I will be sharing four cases online in advance of the conference. This is the last of the four cases. See if you can conquer all four "mountains" and guess the correct diagnosis.

By |2022-09-28T11:31:05-04:00October 6th, 2022|Cardiology, PEMPix|

PEMPix 2022 Online Case 03: Splash Mountain

PEMPix is the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine’s annual visual diagnosis competition. This year, in addition to the 10 finalists I will be presenting at the National Conference and Exhibition I will be sharing four cases online in advance of the conference. This is the third of the four cases. See if you can conquer all four "mountains" and guess the correct diagnosis.

By |2022-10-05T12:50:28-04:00October 5th, 2022|PEMPix, Surgery|

PEMPix 2022 Online Case 02: The Matterhorn

PEMPix is the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Emergency Medicine’s annual visual diagnosis competition. This year, in addition to the 10 finalists I will be presenting at the National Conference and Exhibition I will be sharing four cases online in advance of the conference. This is the second of the four cases. See if you can conquer all four "mountains" and guess the correct diagnosis.

By |2022-09-28T11:39:58-04:00October 4th, 2022|Oncology, Otolaryngology, PEMPix|
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